Thursday, March 27, 2003

Windows flaw could allow denial-of-service attacks - Computerworld - The flaw lies in Microsoft's implementation of a remote procedure call protocol that allows applications on a computer to call applications on another computer in a network. An attack on the RPC service could cause the networking services on the system to fail, Microsoft said in security bulletin MS03-010 yesterday.
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Oracle Bets $150M on Unbreakable Linux - Oracle Corp. plans to spend some $150 million this year on a new initiative designed to greatly increase the number of applications available to customers on the Unbreakable Linux platform.

This latest initiative follows the announcement last June of the Unbreakable Linux campaign, in which the Redwood Shores, Calif., company committed to deliver an enterprise operating environment by providing all of its products on Linux and giving full front-line technical support.  - Eweek

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