Wednesday, March 19, 2003

HP To Sell And Support Red Hat Linux

HP To Sell And Support Red Hat Linux
Linux BusinessPosted by timothy on Wednesday March 19, @03:13PM
from the howdy-pardner dept.
Dman33 writes "Redhat Linux seems to be gaining an even stronger share in the server and workstation market as HP is announcing worldwide sales and support of the popular distro. Infoworld has a writeup on the announcement and the press release straight from HP is a good read regarding the initiative."


5:16:12 PM    

Windows flaw opens PCs to attack. A vulnerability that affects all versions of Microsoft's Windows operating system could allow attackers to run programs on a victim's PC. [CNET]

Note, you either need to visit a website hosting the evil code or have an older unpatched version of Outlook.  Most folks taking reasonable care can avoid this.

5:14:39 PM    

CDT Releases New Report on Origins of Spam 

CDT Releases New Report on Origins of Spam
SpamPosted by michael on Wednesday March 19, @01:33PM
from the plumbing-the-depths dept.
Carnth writes "CDT has released a new report based on a six month project entitled "Why Am I Getting All This Spam?" The results offer Internet users insights about what online behavior results in the most unsolicited commercial email and also debunk some of the myths about spam." A very good report - read it. There's also a story about yet another sleazy spammer in Ohio.


2:35:57 PM    

eWEEK - More Net Attacks Loom, CERT Says - Officials at the CERT Coordination Center said the organization is monitoring at least five large networks of compromised machines installed with so-called bots. The bots connect compromised PCs or servers to Internet Relay Chat servers, which attackers commonly use to execute commands on the remote systems. At least one of these networks has more than 140,000 machines, officials said.
2:09:11 PM    

Latest Windows 2000 patch can lock system - Computerworld - A software patch that fixes a serious security vulnerability in Windows 2000 can cause systems running the operating system to fail, Microsoft Corp. said yesterday.
The patch, announced Monday in security bulletin
MS03-007, is incompatible with 12 software fixes for Windows 2000 issued by Microsoft's Product Support Services (PSS) between December 2001 and February 2002. Users running any of those fixes won't be able to reboot their Windows 2000 systems after applying the "critical" patch, according to a revised version of Microsoft's bulletin issued yesterday.

This is just plain wrong.  How can anyone relase a patch that then breaks the machines it is supposed to be fixing?  The implication here is that MS didnot apply the new patch to server that was properly patched already.

2:04:58 PM