Wednesday, June 04, 2003


Operating Systems
Posted by michael on Tuesday June 03, @10:31PM
from the make-it-stop dept.
Still more links on SCO's assorted allegations of copyright infringement. They say they're going to sue Novell. Software analysts refuse to be part of the hoax - also some good quotes from Linus here. SCO and UNIX: a Comedy of Errors. Salon has a story on SCO too, but sadly it's not available to read freely. And Wired has an old story which I think sums up the SCO claims pretty well.


10:06:23 AM    

Microsoft Plans An Overhaul For Patch System

Microsoft Plans An Overhaul For Patch System
Posted by timothy on Wednesday June 04, @01:47AM
from the reboot-again dept.
sckienle writes "ZD-Net has an article about Microsoft's plans to overhaul their patch system. 'Ninety-five percent of attacks happen after a patch for a known software vulnerability has been issued' says Scott Charney, chief trustworthy computing strategist at Microsoft. Basically, Scott is promoting the idea that Microsoft can do a better job, in many ways, so people will trust and be able to install patches quickly. Microsoft has a transcript of Scott Charney's talk on their site." As reader sweeney37 summarizes, " Microsoft's plan is to reduce the patch installers from eight to two, they want to have one patch installer specifically for the OS side and one specifically for the applications." Sweeney37 points out this InformationWeek article on the planned change.


10:01:20 AM    

Microsoft's browser play. The software giant hints it may no longer release a standalone browser, raising new questions about its monopoly endgame.
"Antitrust experts said that because the appeals court had found, on a technicality, that the government had failed to prove IE commanded a monopoly, Microsoft's move to remove standalone IE from the market wouldn't run afoul of any restrictions placed on the company by the courts.
The courts forbade Microsoft from refusing to offer a version of Windows without IE, antitrust lawyers pointed out. But the company remains free to offer IE only bundled with a $199 copy of Windows."
9:53:07 AM    

Yahoo! News - Palm to Buy Handspring in Stock Swap - Palm Inc. (Nasdaq:PALM - news) on Wednesday said it would buy Handspring Inc. (Nasdaq:HAND - news), uniting the pioneers of the handheld computer industry in a bid to survive the sector's protracted downturn.
9:32:11 AM