Linux and Main: The Question Is: Who Stole What From Whom? At the base of it all is SCO's claim that some code it owns found its way into the Linux kernel. Or, to be more specific, that some code to which it may or may not have purchased rights from someone else found its way into the Linux 2.4.x kernels. [Linux Today] 7:37:55 PM ![]() |
Invensys sells Baan for $135 million. The technology company sells Baan for $135 million in cash to a group that plans to integrate the software maker's products with other business-management applications. [CNET] 2:50:22 PM ![]() |
Much Ado About Smut-Free DVDs. The makers of hardware and software applications that let viewers screen out objectionable content from their movies are asking a federal judge to throw out a lawsuit by Hollywood studios and directors. By Katie Dean. [Wired News] Is it a derivative work? Certainly not fair use. On the other hand, why would I watch a censored movie in the first palce? If I though that it was going to offend me, I wouldn't watch it any way. 8:56:24 AM ![]() |