Monday, December 15, 2003

eBay confuses free software and piracy. I give eBay credit for trying to do the right thing. In 1999, James Love documented on the Consumer Project for Technology mailing list how Microsoft was forcing eBay to remove items from auction if they bore the Microsoft name. According to Microsoft, consumers have no right to sell Microsoft software that they have legally purchased. eBay responded by pulling all auctions for Windows and warning those who had tried to sell it of the legal consequences of software piracy. But this is different. They are pulling auctions for free software. It's because of their "piracy policy." At least that's what they're telling Russ Phillips. [NewsForge]
2:02:34 PM    

PHP Magazine and Sessions. PHP Magazine has a free issue coming up on 15 Dec 2003 to celebrate the new monthly version of their magazine to be published in PDF format. A few weeks ago, I was asked to write the cover article, an offer I happily accepted. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Weblogs]
10:46:22 AM