Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Red Hat Linux Advisories: kernel, net-snmp [Linux Today]
5:22:09 PM    

Rogers Cadenhead interview about Radio UserLand. Rogers Cadenhead was interviewed by the Network Professional Association about Radio UserLand and his new book Radio UserLand Kick Start. [UserLand Product News]
4:01:42 PM    

Microsoft finds flaw in server software. A new glitch in one of Microsoft's server software packages is causing headaches for some small businesses. [CNET News.com - Front Door]
3:53:09 PM    

Diebold reins in legal threats against voting activists. Voting software maker Diebold Election Systems withdraws DMCA complaint against ISPs hosting copies of leaked internal memos [Ars Technica]
12:13:16 PM