Tuesday, November 19, 2002

HARVARD LAW SCHOOL... Law school speech code plan draws fire. The Boston Globe reported Tuesday that a Harvard Law School committee has announced plans to draft a speech code that would ban harassing or offensive language from the classroom. The announcement prompted a furious debate at a law school "town meeting" Monday evening. [JURIST]
3:33:30 PM    

Tales of Oz, Wonderland Go Online. A digital library of international children's literature puts best-loved classics and new stories from around the world at kids' beck and call. By Kendra Mayfield. [Wired News]

Beware the hefty tech requirements.  This is not a place for a recycled P-90 with 64 Mb of RAM and a dial-up connection.

9:54:13 AM    

Windows Longhorn Alpha Leaks to the Web An internal alpha build of Microsoft's next version of Windows, code-named Longhorn, made its way onto Internet sites early Tuesday. The leaked build, which is numbered 3683, appears to be from late September and sports quite a few new feature concepts - although many are not yet functional. 
9:48:56 AM    

TheOpenEnterprise.com > IBM Open Source > IBM's Linux Push Shows AIX Is No Sacred Cow > November 18, 2002 - The vendor has publicly said that it's spending more than $1 billion a year on Linux and "more than got our money back" in the past year, said John Sarsgard, IBM's vice president, Linux sales programs.
9:24:20 AM