Friday, July 18, 2003

Code to exploit Cisco flaw may pose risk. Security experts warn that code which could be used to attack and crash Cisco routers has been posted to public mailing lists. [CNET]
3:18:53 PM    

Exploit Available for Cisco IOS Vulnerability

Exploit Available for Cisco IOS Vulnerability
Posted by michael on Friday July 18, @02:02PM
from the there-goes-the-internet dept.
GNUman writes "Cisco's IOS vulnerability, posted by Slashdot and CERT, has now a published exploit available, as reported recently by CERT. While there are some some articles claiming that the Internet survived a major flaw, maybe with a publicly available exploit could script kiddies start creating havock?. jerw134 wanted to start a pool to find out when the exploit would be publicly available, here's the answer."


3:17:33 PM    

White House E-Mail System Becomes Less User-Friendly. Those who want to send a message to the president must now navigate as many as nine Web pages and fill out a form that asks if they support White House policy. By John Markoff. [New York Times: Technology]

Well, you just can't call him on the phone either.

2:07:48 PM