Tuesday, July 15, 2003

MS DRM is pure smoke. DRM in Microsoft WM9 SDK cracked using nothing but the vanilla WM9 API. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Network Weblogs]

If this is true, then it is rather shocking, but, I suppose, not too surprizing.  It is another example of MSFT doing a shell game with 'partners' that lulls them into a sense of comfort and then locks them in.

12:39:30 PM    

National Center for Adoption Law & Policy announces new online tool. The National Center for Adoption Law & Policy at Capital University Law School, located in Columbus, Ohio, today released the nation's first comprehensive online compilation and synthesis of the law of adoption. This new e-tool, available at www.adoption [JURIST's Paper Chase]
12:35:57 PM    

Commodore 64 gets new guardian angel. The relaunch of the venerable PC means a subscription Web portal and a new logo, as the company responsible for its licensing moves to protect the brand. [CNET News.com]
11:17:51 AM