Saturday, February 15, 2003
ABA refuses to endorse UCITA - Computerworld - "The backers of the controversial UCITA software licensing law intend to push ahead this year with their efforts to win more state adoptions, despite a decision by the American Bar Association (ABA) not to endorse the proposed law. The ABA's governing body on Monday withdrew the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA) from consideration after it was clear the measure didn't have enough support among members to win the backing of the ABA. The move, taken by the ABA at its midyear meeting in Seattle, has no direct impact on UCITA and the push for state-by-state adoption. But it gives the law's opponents political ammunition to use in states where UCITA is introduced. "
Well, sure, if the lawyers don't think it's a good idea, then it must be OK! The ABA is right about this, UCITA is just plain bad law.
12:54:42 PM