Monday, December 09, 2002

Spam doesn't kill appetite for e-mail. Spam isn't destroying enthusiasm for e-mail among U.S. workers, according to a new study on e-mail use in the workplace. [CNET]
2:41:02 PM    

Joe Clark's Answers -- In Valid XHTML 

Joe Clark's Answers -- In Valid XHTML
The InternetPosted by Roblimo on Monday December 09, @12:00PM
from the making-everything-clear-to-everyone dept.
We sent 10 of your questions to usability guy Joe Clark, and he took it upon himself to go a bit beyond simply answering them. In his reply he said, "Answers attached in a valid XHTML file. I would suggest at least retaining the id attributes. I copy-edited all the questions, but the words are all the same; they are now merely spelled and capitalized correctly. I think all the links work."


2:07:46 PM