I've moved <CONTENT /> to new digs. After a number years of using Radio as an aggragator and blogging tool (and outliner), I've decided to switch to something that is less resource intensive and more mobile. I've moved <CONTENT /> v.4 to WordPress and setup the server-based Feed-on-Feeds as an aggregator. This blog will remain where it's at for archival purposes. On 2/24/05 I'll redirect the feed links from my categories here to the new version of the blog, so if anyone is listening they can keep up. 9:24:13 PM |
John Marshall Law School wins case for accreditation - 2005-02-15 - Atlanta Business Chronicle - "Georgia now has a fifth nationally accredited law school. Midtown's John Marshall Law School ended a decade-long quest to receive accreditation this week when the American Bar Association approved its application." 2:48:53 PM |
podcasting - the experiment. So because I only understand things by tinkering with them, I've decided to tinker with podcasting. I am convinced from an intellectual perspective that this one of the most important net-related developments in a long time. But I need to understand it more than intellectually. Thus, with thanks to Dave Winer and Adam Curry for start-up advice, an experiment in podcasting begins. I have started, however, exactly where they said I should not -- reading written texts. Wired has encouraged me to podcast readings of my columns, and as that was an easy and deadline-related reason to get going, I've made that the beginning. The best of podcasting, I am told and have seen, is not read, but written. Writing in mp3 is something I hope to experiment with soon. Until then, here is 050201 (the first, maybe the only, podcast from February, 2005): A reading of my March column in Wired, read with a very bad cold. (Geeknote: I'm using Brandon Fuller's very cool MT-enclosures, I hope properly.) [Lessig Blog] 2:46:50 PM |
Netcraft: phpBB Site Cracked, Developers Locked Out:"The server hosting the main site for the phpBB bulletin board has been cracked, leaving the development team locked out of its primary server. The open source project's web site was compromised using a vulnerability in a separate program, AWStats, which was announced Jan. 17 and has also been used to hack several popular weblogs in recent days. " 10:04:12 AM |
Report: City-run Wi-Fi plans could have 'grave flaws' - Computerworld - "City-run wireless broadband networks such as those now under discussion in a number of places, including Chicago, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, New York and San Francisco, haven't been fully studied and are being touted with dubious claims about their benefits, according to a report issued by the New Millennium Research Council. OK, let's review. A consulting outfit that count Verizon and SBC as clients commissions a study that says that local gov'ts are making bad decsions by deploying community wide WiFi nets. This comes after Verizon lobbies the PA legislature to make Philly's plans to turn the city into a giant hotspot illegal. The baby bells need to wake up and realize that their time is over. 10:00:13 AM |
Slashdot | Shmoo Group Finds Exploit For non-IE Browsers:" Shmoo Group Finds Exploit For non-IE Browsers Posted by Hemos on Monday February 07, @10:30AM from the even-mozilla-is-guilty dept. shut_up_man writes "Saw this on Boing Boing: East coast hacker con Shmoocon ended today and they had a nasty browser exploit to show off... using International Domain Name (IDN) character support to display fake domain names in links and the address bar. Their examples use Paypal (with SSL too) and this looks very useful for phishing attacks. Interesting note that it works in every browser *except* IE (which makes this exploit a lot less dangerous in the end, I suppose)."v The reason IE isn't vulnerable is because it doesn't natively support IDN; with the right plug-in, it too is vulnerable. " 11:15:18 AM |
Thirteen patches planned in next Microsoft security update. Microsoft has telegraphed its plans to release 13 security patches as part of its regular monthly security update next Tuesday. [Computerworld News] That's tomorrow. 11:09:29 AM |
PRB: Internet Explorer Is Unable to Open Office Documents from an SSL Web Site - " SYMPTOMSWhen you attempt to open or download a Microsoft Office document (.doc file, .xls file, .ppt file, and so on) from a secure Web site in Internet Explorer, you may receive one of the following error messages, even though the document is available and downloaded from the server:
Internet Explorer cannot download file from server.
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later. -or-
The page cannot be displayed.
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. Cannot find server or DNS Error -or-
Office Application Name cannot open the file. " 12:58:23 PM |
New Legal Center for Open Source Projects
from the fighting-the-good-fight dept. NW writes "According to a News.com story well known OSS lawyers Lawrence Lessig and Eben Moglen are launching a new "Software Freedom Legal Center" to assist open source developers with legal issues for free." You can view the website at Softwarefreedom.org. 12:05:19 PM |
GROKLAW:"The Future Is Open: What OpenDocument Is And Why You Should Care ~ by Daniel Carrera" This is a great article outlining the development of the OpenDocument XML format that is used in Open Office. It is important because it represents a viable alternative to the closed format XML of MSFT Office. 8:30:11 AM |
Google Launches API for Online Ads. Following reports of an upcoming release, Google formally introduces an AdWords API beta that lets advertisers and search-engine marketers access its ad system. [eWEEK Technology News] 11:53:51 AM |
MySQL installations targeted by Forbot worm variant - Computerworld - "A new wormlike threat spreading on the Internet targets computers running the MySQL open-source database software, and thousands of Windows machines running MySQL have already been infected, according to one security expert. " It targets Windows boxes and launches dictionary attackes against the 'root' account, gaining access on installations that allow remote 'root' access and have weak or non-existant 'root' passwords. Wouldn't be anyone I know:) 10:23:28 AM |