from the some-my-fs-is-more-fast dept. smatt-man writes "Over at Linux Gazette they ran some tests on popular Linux filesystems (ext2, ext3, jfs, reiserfs, xfs) and the results may surprise you." [Slashdot] 3:01:42 PM ![]() |
Novell To Release Ximian Connector Under GPL
from the free-software-creeping-in-and-leaping-in dept. ashmodai9 writes "According to this article on as well as this press release directly from their site, Novell announced that its "Connector for MS Exchange Server would be integrated into Evolution 2.0 and made available as open source, beginning today with the current Connector 1.4." Apparently, downloads will be available for the current version of Evolution starting May 14th." Thanks to reader crafterm, a snippet from Novell's Connector website: "With the Connector for Microsoft Exchange installed, Evolution functions as an Exchange client, enabling users to become full participants in company-wide group scheduling and other collaborative tasks. Linux and Solaris users can access public folders, Global Address Lists, email, calendar, task lists, and group scheduling information." Update: 05/11 17:58 GMT by T: In related news, ChiralSoftware writes "Codeweavers' long-awaited sequel to Crossover 2.1 is here. Just like the old version, the new version lets you install MS Office on Linux desktops. The new version adds support for Outlook XP, Lotus Notes and Microsoft Project." [Slashdot] 2:42:46 PM ![]() |
Despite arrest, new variant of Sasser worm appears. The Sasser.E worm exploits the same Microsoft Windows LSASS vulnerability targeted by its predecessors and has already infected millions of computers, according to security specialist PandaLabs. [Computerworld News] 6:27:33 AM ![]() |
RightNow Technologies Files for $60 Million IPO. The company, which markets an online customer relationship management software service, filed registration papers for the initial public offering. [eWEEK Technology News] Looks like the next wave of IPOs is indeed heating up. 6:25:00 AM ![]() |
Microsoft: SP2 Will Not Install on Pirated Copies of XP "To clarify its position, a Microsoft spokesperson told BetaNews, "Press reports indicating Windows XP Service Pack 2 will install on pirated or illegal copies of Windows XP are not entirely true. Prior to installing, SP2 will check the OS' product ID (PID) against a list of known pirated PIDs. If a PID is found to be invalid, SP2 will not install." " [BetaNews.Com] Earlier reports had indicated that SP2 would install on pirated copies of XP. 6:04:03 AM ![]() |