The fear war against Linux. Open-source activistBruce Perensuncovers the SCO-Microsoft connection behind a campaign to convince people that trade secrets of Unix have been copied into Linux. [CNET] 6:08:24 PM |
SCO Group's case against Linux. Unix owner SCO's $1 billion lawsuit against IBM provides a glimpse of what claims the company might make if it takes legal action against Linux users or distributors. [CNET] 3:38:25 PM |
PeopleSoft: .Net is IT 'asbestos'. The software maker's president and CEO, Craig Conway, warns that running enterprise software on PCs--as Microsoft's .Net strategy calls for--is a "known bad thing." Speaking at the software company's 2003 Leadership Summit in Sydney, Australia, Conway said the state of the global economy makes it imperative for businesses to control IT costs. He advocated Linux-based server-centric operating environments for enterprise applications as one way to achieve this goal. [CNET] 3:30:39 PM |
Worm dupes with fake Microsoft address. A new e-mail worm, which feigns a origin, is spreading rapidly. Antivirus vendors say it can also spread via a LAN and can install spyware on a victim's PC. [CNET] 1:19:51 PM |
PHP and MySQL Web Development, 2nd Edition
honestpuck writes with the short review below of Sams' PHP and MySQL Web Development, 2nd Edition, which he says is aimed at "someone who has programmed before needs to know about both PHP and MySQL," and a good book for the intended audience. Read on for his thoughts on the book. [Slashdot] 1:16:08 PM |
Microsoft to license Unix code | CNET - Microsoft will license the rights to Unix technology from SCO Group, a move that could impact the battle between Windows and Linux in the market for computer operating systems. Just in case anyone was wondering how MS was going to get involved in this... 10:26:49 AM |