Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Gateway snubs Office. In another blow to Microsoft's Office suite, the PC maker plans to include Corel's WordPerfect 10 and Quattro Pro 10 on its 300s desktops. [CNET News.com]
4:51:09 PM    

Wired News: Spam Masquerades as Admin Alerts - A new breed of pop-up ads is appearing mysteriously on Microsoft Windows users' computers. The so-called "Messenger spams" have security experts and system administrators scratching their heads -- and recipients fuming.
Some of the ads, which hit Windows systems through backdoor networking ports and not by e-mail or Web browsing, appear to have been generated by Direct Advertiser, a $700 software program developed by Florida-based DirectAdvertiser.com.
3:56:51 PM    

Constructing Accessible Web Sites 

Constructing Accessible Web Sites
NewsPosted by timothy on Tuesday October 15, @10:00AM
actiondan writes: "Constructing Accessible Web Sites is about how to build websites that can be used by people who rely on assistive technologies to browse the web. When I picked up this book, accessibility was an area that interested me but I am now convinced that it should be in the thoughts of every web developer. Some of the laws that are emerging to regulate accessibility look positively scary and there are lots of other good reasons to take accessibility seriously." Read on for the rest of his review.
Constructing Accessible Web Sites
author Jim Thatcher, Paul Bohman, Michael Burks, Shawn Lawton Henry, Bob Regan, Sarah Swierenga, Mark D. Urban, Cynthia D. Waddell
pages 415
publisher Glasshaus
rating 8
reviewer actiondan
ISBN 1904151000
summary The whys and hows of making web sites accessible to all.


11:12:26 AM    

Microsoft delays "smart display" push. Microsoft won't deliver Windows CE for Smart Displays for the holidays, delaying until at least the first quarter of 2003 portable monitors that use the software. [CNET News.com]
11:10:43 AM    

Gateway says goodbye to CD-ROMs. It's out with the old and in with the new for Gateway computers. CD-ROMs and clunky CRT monitors are giving way to CD-RW drives and flat-panel monitors. Then there's price cuts. [CNET News.com]
10:57:10 AM    

Flat-panels priced for holidays. NEC-Mitsubishi Electronics Display of America is looking to give consumers more reasons to upgrade to a flat-panel monitor this holiday season. [CNET News.com]
10:54:52 AM    

Internet Society chosen to run .org domain registry - Computerworld - The board of directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today tapped the Internet Society (ISoc) to operate the .org domain registry beginning Jan. 1.

ISoc will take over operation of the .org registry from U.S. registry VeriSign Inc. in Mountain View, Calif., which also manages the Internet's .com domain names.
6:21:48 AM    

PCWorld.com - Win XP Service Pack 1--Ignore at Your Peril - n initial Windows Service Pack provides patches and drivers missing from an initial release, traditionally signaling to businesses that the OS is safe to adopt. But Windows XP SP1 plugs a hole serious enough to make the update essential, even for users who have conscientiously downloaded XP bug fixes.

Microsoft confirms that SP1 fixes the little-known flaw, which proved trivially easy to exploit when tested. It allows files on an XP system to be deleted simply by the user's clicking on a link--which could be distributed by e-mail or on a Web page. XP users having trouble installing SP1 are plugging the hole using a utility from Gibson Research.
6:20:41 AM