Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Yahoo, ISPs enter Net privacy fray. The companies are siding with Verizon in its legal spat with the recording industry over revealing the identity of an alleged peer-to-peer pirate. [CNET]
2:03:28 PM    

Amiga/C64 Retro Radio Station

Amiga/C64 Retro Radio Station
AmigaPosted by Hemos on Wednesday September 11, @06:08AM
from the blast-from-the-past dept.
Hot Trout writes "24/7 Streaming Retro Radio bringing to you all those classic game and demo tunes from the 80's and 90's. Mainly C64 and Amiga but also games. This allows DSL users to enjoy their old school fav's in 128 kbps, 44Khz, STEREO. Very very cool ... Check it out at The old Computer @ Retro Radio." I've been reading High Score lately, so retro gaming is great to run through again.


1:58:45 PM    

DebianEdu Announced 

DebianEdu Announced
DebianPosted by michael on Wednesday September 11, @07:24AM
from the apt-get-install-ucblogo dept.
Bill Kendrick writes "There's been an announcement on debian-devel-announce about a new subproject, DebianEdu, which "aims to make Debian the best distribution available for educational use." As a developer with some stuff in Debian Jr., I'm happy to see some focus on an honest-to-goodness education project!"


1:54:49 PM    

Sunday Business: Sun to Offer Alternative to Microsoft Desktop [Linux Today]
1:42:20 PM