Tuesday, November 30, 2004

ROTK:EE Trailer Released

ROTK:EE Trailer Released
Lord of the Rings
Posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday November 30, @08:56AM
from the sportin-tolkien-wood dept.
artemis67 writes "A six-minute trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Extended Edition, has been released, and it's quite good. We get to see some snippets of the final confrontation between Gandalf and Saruman, as well as some other intriguing scenes that will add a lot of depth to the final movie. The Extended Edition will add an additional 50 minutes to the film, bring the total for the Extended trilogy to 11 hours and 20 minutes."


11:23:56 AM    

Blogs at GSU Library: Teri Vogel has put a pre-print online of an article [PDF] on the Georgia State Libraries experience with weblogs and RSS which will appear in Internet Reference Services Quarterly next year. I'm going to print it out tomorrow and delve right in. Whenever I show off what libraries are doing with weblogs and RSS, the GSUL example always gets the most "Wows!" out of the audience. It truly is a work of art and genius. Maybe I'll try to get them to come out to Internet Librarian next yearto show off their project... [Library Stuff]

An excellent case study on how to adopt a new technology to serve the needs of the community.  This is a must read article for teknoids everywhere.  Then go get a blog going...

8:48:33 AM    

Autonomy, Mamma.com Join Desktop Search Ranks. Autonomy launches a desktop search add-on to its enterprise search platform, while meta-search player Mamma.com prepares an acquisition of desktop search technology. [eWEEK Technology News]

Desktop search heats up.  FWIW, Autonomy is very high end, enterprise level stuff that is also very cool.  Mamma.com is gobbling up Copernic, which has a great low end tool.

7:59:30 AM