Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Microsoft, SCO lean on Linux. Microsoft and the SCO Group may be taking aim at Linux, but they are also relying on the open-source operating system to keep their Web sites up. [CNET]
7:13:38 PM    

Innocents Caught in SCO-Linux Cross Fire. The battle between The SCO Group and the Linux and open-source communities is taking some innocent bystanders hostage. [eWEEK Technology News]
Just call it collateral damage...

7:12:19 PM    

Music Industry Unveils Tracking Methods (AP). AP - The recording industry provided its most detailed glimpse to date Wednesday into some of the detective-style techniques it has employed as part of its secretive campaign to cripple music piracy over the Internet. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
7:03:13 PM    

Fact or FUD? Attorney offers views on SCO allegations (TechTarget). TechTarget - Whether or not the SCO Group wins its $3 billion lawsuit against IBM Corp., the company has succeeded in raising a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt about using Linux in an enterprise. But how do you know whether what you've heard about the case is a legitimate cause for concern or whether it's just FUD? Attorney, iLinx International LLC consultant and site expert Scott Nathan has been helping Linux administrators separate fact from FUD in the site's Ask the Expert section. In this article, he answers Linux administrators' questions, offering advice about how admins can protect their companies from SCO-induced legal liability. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
2:01:26 PM    

InternetWeek: SCO Defends Against Open Source Advocates SCO defended itself against criticism by the open source community, saying Unix code used in Linux comes from its own, copyrighted version of Unix, not--as Linux advocates argued last week--earlier versions that have been released into open source. [Linux Today]
11:51:31 AM    

Osirusoft Blacklists The World
Osirusoft Blacklists The World



Posted by timothy on Tuesday August 26, @11:15PM
from the wildcard-matches-for-evil dept.
ariehk writes "As of today, Osirusoft, distributer of the SPEWS and open relay blocklists, among others, is no longer operational. Servers using these lists (including the FTC) are currently rejecting ALL email. This shutdown seems to be in response to a several-week-long DDoS attack on Osirusoft, SPEWS and others, resulting in both sites being down. This has caused much discussion on n.a.n-a.e, including the suggestion that the attack is somehow related to the SoBig worm. The spammers must be hurting if they can devote these kinds of resources to attacking blocklists." Read on below a related submission.

NSXDavid writes "Earlier today our site mysteriously ended up on Joe Jared's Osirusoft SPAM blacklist which is used by lots of antispam software (like SpamAssassin and sendmail). Since he is currently under a serious DDoS attack, there was no way to appeal this decision. We contacted Mr. Jared by phone who informed us that 'everyone needs to stop using Osirusoft and that he's going to be shutting the service down.' Then he says he's going to blacklist 'the world' (aka, ban *.*.*.*) to get his point across. Later on this evening, he apparently went ahead and did just that. Succumbing to lawsuits and DDoS, a once great blacklist is dead. SpamAssassin is removing it from their config in the next release (rc3) and email admins around the globe are reconfiguring their mail servers."

9:25:32 AM