Friday, April 25, 2003

Microsoft offers Windows security guide. The company releases a tutorial and templates to help system administrators lock down the security of computers running its newest operating system, Windows Server 2003. [CNET]
5:57:44 PM    

Judge: File-swapping tools are legal. A federal judge in Los Angeles hands a stunning court victory to file-swapping services Streamcast and Grokster, dismissing much of the studios' lawsuits against them. [CNET]
4:22:42 PM    

WordPerfect Office 11.0 Standard - Software Reviews - -
Current WordPerfect customers should certainly upgrade to Office 11.0. But SOHO users won't need some of the functionality.
The good: Unlike Microsoft Office 2003, runs on older OSs, including Windows 98; now publishes documents from every app in the suite into XML format.
The bad: Lacks an e-mail client; requires Microsoft Outlook or Novell GroupWise to use new document-routing feature; few changes to premier application, WordPerfect

8:34:28 AM