Monday, July 29, 2002

Ziff Davis Is Said to Plan a Bankruptcy:"IFF DAVIS MEDIA, which was a major player in technology publishing with PC magazine and the now-closed Yahoo Internet Life, has been telling advertisers that it will be forced to enter a prepackaged bankruptcy by the end of this week, according to a major advertiser and two publishing executives who are close to the situation."
4:48:32 PM    

Linux Today - Second Red Hat Limbo Beta (7.3.93) Released
4:39:28 PM    

Spam filter a career killer? - Tech News -"A meeting reminder from the boss, a lascivious letter from a lover, or the daily tally from a fantasy football league: Which e-mail would you read first? Programmers at a small software company say they have the answer and that it can help millions of workers cope with the growing spam menace. The software categorizes e-mail on a scale from one to 100, then sorts messages according to the recipient's behavior and preferences. Important notes with high scores float to the top of the in-box, while unwanted spam, newsletters and other banalities sink to the bottom. "
4:31:29 PM    

iVillage banishes pop-up ads - Tech News -"iVillage is getting rid of pop-up ads, the publishing company said Monday, after a survey found that more than 95 percent of its readers considered them to be the "most frustrating feature of the Web." "We have built iVillage by listening to what women want, and our move to eliminate pop-up advertising is a direct example of this," Nancy Evans, co-founder of iVillage, said in a release."
4:29:51 PM